Gentlemen Of Science is a small, independent game development studio based in West Yorkshire, England. It was founded in 2014 by Ash Henstock and Rich Bull. As well as developing their own games, Gentlemen Of Science provides game, app, and web service development assistance to a number of companies.

Ash Henstock

Why is he so angry?

Before Gentlemen Of Science, Ash spent ten years in AAA game development at Rare, Rockstar and Activision. Ash knows lots of stuff. If there’s something you want to know about code, ask him, he may even explain what else is wrong about you.

Ash likes dogs, walking, taking pictures, walking dogs, taking pictures whilst walking, taking pictures of dogs and taking pictures of dogs whilst walking.

Rich Bull

Actually likes football.

Rich has worked all over the place. He was in a factory in Zimbabwe once. As far as the games industry goes, he’s worked at Software Creations, Acclaim, Kuju, The Creative Assembly, Rockstar and Activision. Most of his career has been focused on AI and gameplay, but with nearing 25 years of experience to his name, he can tackle pretty much anything. Maybe even some sort of large mammal. Like an elk. Hopefully this will not be necessary. But imagine that. An elk.

He owns a lot of Spectrums.

Emily Garner

Hanging around with these dorks.

Em, aka Pastel Castle, has been creating beautiful sights and sounds for many years. After a period working in game QA at Kudos and XR Games, Em is now Gentlemen of Science’s artist.

They enjoy lifting up heavy things and presumably putting them back down again. They are in a band. They are almost as cool as Ash and Rich.

Contact Us

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Company Details

Gentlemen Of Science Limited
Company Number: 09136034
Registered Office: Leigh House, 28-32 St. Paul’s Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, LS1 2JT